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Qualtech Products Industry Rotary Taber Abrasion Tester is a durable precision-built abrasion test instrument designed to perform accelerated wear and abrasion tests on a variety of specimens. These include rotary taber abrasion testing series of solid materials, painted surfaces, lacquered surfaces, electro-plated surfaces, plastic-coated materials, textiles, metals, leather, rubber, linoleum and many more.
To perform a Rotary Abrasion Test with a rotary platform sample materials are subject to the wear action of two abrasive wheels at a known load. Rotary abrasion test wear action is achieved when the abrasive wheels are rotated in opposite directions by a turntable or rotary platform on which the specimen material is being mounted.
The rotary abrasion abrading wheels travel on the material according a horizontal axis displaced tangentially from the axis of the test material which results in a sliding action.
An exclusive feature of the Rotary Abraser is an “X” pattern of abrasion produced by the rotary rub-wear action of the rotary abrasion wheels.
The rotary abrasion wear pattern formed is that of two intersecting areas or a slightly curved herringbone configuration from the outside to the center and from the center to the outside of the specimen.
To complete a rotary abrasion test an area of 30 centimeters is subjected and a complete circle on the material surface is abraded at all angles of grain or weave.
Rotary Taber Abrasion Weight Loss Method: The material to be tested is subjected to a predetermined number of rotational cycles. Weighing the difference allows scientists to determine the portion of the specimen that has been lost to friction by the Rotary Abrasion Tester method.
Visual end testing method: The number of Rotary Abrasion Test Cycles is measured until the material fails.
Wear groove method: The Rotary Abrasion Wear Groove is measured with an optical micrometer or by using the profilometer.
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